Everything you need to know about flying with Solos

We offer flexible arrangements to suit your travel needs, with both flight-inclusive and tour-only options. The prices on our website include accommodation and activities, but exclude airfare. If you'd like us to arrange flights for you, please call our team at 1-888-259-4027to discuss your preferences, or feel free to book your own. 

Airport transfers included

Airport transfers included

We include transfers on many of our trips. Please note this transfer may be on your own, with another Solos customer or as a shuttle with non-Solos customers. On occasion, it may be necessary to wait for other passengers before the transfer departs. If we have booked a direct flight for you that is not included in the package, you will have the choice, where possible, of joining the Solos group transfer or booking a separate transfer (at an additional cost). It is important to note that we are unable to accept responsibility for missed transfers due to flight delays or any other circumstances beyond our control, such as schedule changes. If these changes result in the need for you to have a separate transfer, these costs will be passed on to you.

Booking your own flights

If you would prefer to book your own flight, we are happy for you to do so. If we cancel your trip due to low numbers, we will not be responsible for your flights. 

As our flying schedules are prepared far in advance, schedules are subject to change. Due to the nature and timing of aircraft chartering and scheduling, we cannot confirm at the time of publication the precise airline for the flights, nor the precise type of aircraft for charter or scheduled flights on each individual tour. If you choose to book your own flight or make your own travel arrangements, we cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred through schedule changes.

Booking your own flights

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